Pick your own strawberries, store them properly, and recognize their ripeness


Bright red and fragrant: strawberries are healthy, delicious and in season again. If you want to enjoy the full aroma, you should buy regional products or pick the fruit yourself. Tips and recipes.

In sweet or savory dishes, as jam or just plain - strawberries are one of the favorite fruits of Germans. Strawberries have been popular for a long time: our ancestors already knew about wild strawberries. The first finds date back to the Stone Age. In ancient times, Roman poets such as Ovid, Virgil, and Pliny praised the aromatic qualities of the small fruit. They called it "frega" or "fregum", derived from the Latin "fragare" (to kiss).

Know ripeness, freshness and quality when purchasing

Because strawberries do not ripen, consumers should ensure when purchasing that all berries are evenly red, shiny, and plump. Overripe fruit or bruised strawberries will quickly spoil. Other signs of freshness include short green stems and consistent green sepals with no white tips. Strawberries can only fully release their aroma when they are ripe on the plant.

This is rarely the case with imported goods from Southern Europe or Morocco, which are often offered before the start of the domestic season. These crops are usually matured under foil in large-scale monocultures and can be contaminated with pesticides. High water consumption when grown in dry areas such as Andalusia and long transportation are also problems. So it's worth waiting until the season starts in Germany in May and opting for regional fruit.

Which variety is especially sweet and aromatic?

Even though there are many types of strawberries, they are difficult to differentiate in trade because labeling is not required. If you buy directly from the manufacturer, you can ask. Popular and aromatic varieties include the early variety “Elvira” and the very sweet varieties “Senga Sengana” and “Honeyone”.

Take your pick: Morning is the ideal harvest time

If you want to ensure that the strawberries are really fresh, you can buy them directly from the producers at the weekly market or pick them yourself in a nearby field. If possible, choose an area that is not directly on a busy road. This means the pollution is lower. It is best to use a flat strawberry basket when picking. Buckets or other deep containers are not suitable because the fruit will be compressed in them.

The best time to harvest yourself is early morning, when the berries are most fragrant. Strawberries should also be dry, as wet-picked strawberries have less flavor and a shorter shelf life. Remove the fruit from the plant along with the green sepals and stem pieces to avoid sap leakage. Only ripe fruit is harvested; Unripe fruit can be identified by its yellowish-white edges.

Preparing strawberries: Wash before eating

Strawberries are very delicate and easily damaged. Breathable packaging, such as cardboard or chipboard, is suitable for transportation. Under no circumstances should the berries be crushed. To preserve the aroma, wash the fruit briefly and remove the stems and leaves immediately before consuming. Water also removes subtle fruit aromas, so don't leave fruit in water for too long and don't clean it under a strong stream of water.

Proper storage in the refrigerator and freezing

If not washed, strawberries will last for one to two days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator – ideally covered in a plate or bowl. Frozen whole fruit tends to become mushy after thawing. An alternative is to puree it before freezing it. Strawberries are also suitable for making jam or compote. The combination with rhubarb or red currants is especially delicious.

Are freeze-dried strawberries recommended?

An alternative to strawberries from the freezer is freeze dried fruit. During this process, the fruit's moisture is removed, while its color and aroma are retained. This complicated process comes at a price: freeze-dried strawberries are very expensive, production is energy-intensive, and the fruit is often imported from abroad. According to the consumer advice center, this product also contains a lot of sugar, so it is not recommended.

Healthy strawberries: Lots of vitamin C and few calories

Apart from its unique taste, strawberries have other benefits. They contain more vitamin C per 100 grams than lemons, as well as vitamins B1 and B2 and the minerals calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. The content of folic acid, a vitamin that is important for cell formation, is very high. Strawberries also lower blood pressure and stimulate kidney activity.

Even though they are rich in healthy ingredients, strawberries are also low in calories. A large portion contains no more calories than a small praline.

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