Apples as a vitamin bomb - an apple a day helps you stay healthy

Right now, ripe, juicy, red-green apples smile at us from the trees. Autumn is the harvest time for many of our most important local fruits. Despite stiff competition from kiwis, oranges and the like, local apples are still the big stars in the fruit section of supermarkets. It ends up in almost every shopping cart every day, all year round.

There are 20,000 apple varieties worldwide, although interestingly, only 4 apple varieties account for around 70 percent of the European apple market.

The special thing about apples is that they can be easily enjoyed between meals and in larger quantities, they taste delicious and have very high health value. It is not for nothing that there is a saying that says "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

Apples are a real vitamin bomb. Although it does not contain any vitamins of great value, it has a balanced content of all the necessary vitamins. The same applies to trace elements and minerals. Potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium are especially worth mentioning. In addition, many secondary plant substances can be found in apples, including phenols and carotene. An apple consists of 85 percent water and only has about 60 kilocalories.

All these substances have a positive effect on our health:

Phenolic compounds protect the body from cardiovascular disease, thrombosis and cancer. They also inhibit viruses and bacteria.

Carotene compounds clean arteries, improve the immune system, protect tissue from cancer and skin from UV rays.

Apples contain large amounts of fructose in their total sugar content. On the one hand, this fructose supports the ability to concentrate and on the other hand supports consistent sleep through balancing blood sugar levels.

The malic acid contained in apples dissolves uric acid. It protects against rheumatism and gout.

The trace element fluorine strengthens tooth structure, hardens tooth enamel and thereby prevents tooth decay. When you chew an apple, the pulp rubs against your teeth and acts like a natural toothbrush. In addition, the fruit acids in apples kill bacteria that attack tooth enamel.

Pectin ingredients lower cholesterol levels, bind pollutants and remove them again.

Potassium regulates water balance. Therefore apples have a dehydrating effect.

The calcium and phosphorus it contains are important for building bones and teeth.

Apples regulate digestion and stabilize intestinal flora. The skin in particular contains a lot of fiber, including pectin. It binds water and toxins in the intestines. Therefore, apples are used for diarrhea and constipation.

You get all these benefits by consuming apples, but only if they are not peeled. 70 percent of the vitamin is found in the apple skin or directly beneath it. The skin is also rich in iron, magnesium, unsaturated fatty acids and bioactive substances. And for those who also eat the point: it contains iodine.

Apples are not only crunchy when bitten, but also make facial skin clean and soft. Try an apple mask. Vitamins B and C, potassium and zinc contained in apples work wonders on our skin.

Homemade apple mask:

It is best to take sour apples. This is grated and mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey to form a paste. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it for about 20 minutes. Then remove the facial mask with warm water and pat your face again with cold water.

This mask makes your face feel relaxed and soft and is highly recommended for oily and acne-prone skin. 

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