Benefits of Lo Han Guo fruit for health

Lo Han Guo, a fruit from southern China, can relieve sugar addiction. The natural sweetener it contains is 500 times sweeter than sugar, but does not have dangerous side effects. Luo Han Guo is not only a good sugar substitute, but also an old remedy for diabetes, colds, lung diseases, and digestive problems.

This fruit came to the United States in the early 20th century. The seeds, purchased from a Chinese shop in San Francisco, were included in the general botanical description of the variety in 1941.

The development of Luo Han Guo products in China has continued to progress since then, with the development of concentrated extracts playing a very important role.

Cultivation and marketing

Luo Han Guo is mostly grown in southern China, especially in Guangxi Province, with the largest amount of production coming from the Guilin Mountains. Steep mountains provide shade and are often surrounded by mist, protecting plants from excessive sunlight. However, the climate in this southern province is warm. This plant is rarely found in the wild and has therefore been cultivated in the region for many years.

There are records as early as 1813 reporting crop cultivation in the area. There is currently a planting area of ​​1,600 hectares in the Guilin Mountains with an annual production of around 10,000 fruits. Most of the plantations are located in Yongfu and Lingui counties, which are famous in China for their large number of residents over 100 years old. This is usually caused by consuming Luo Han Guo fruit and its natural properties. However, residents themselves believe that the cause is their calm lifestyle and simple diet.

The following is a description of Luo Han Guo:

The dried fruit can be bought at the market. The surface of the fruit is round and flat, brownish yellow or brownish green and covered with fine and soft hairs. The shell is hard but thin. Inside you will find a soft, partially dry substance containing juice and a large number of seeds. All components are very sweet. It is cool and non-toxic. This fruit helps overcome sunburn, moisturizes the lungs, eliminates phlegm, stops coughing and facilitates defecation.

Lo Han Guo fights obesity

As has been pointed out, industrial sugar is not healthy at all, detailed information can be found for example. B. below: Sugar – its effects on the body. However, very few people want to live without the tempting sweet taste. Therefore, there is great potential in sugar alternatives such as Luo Han Guo to fight the global “obesity epidemic”.

Luo Han Guo fruit offers great advantages because its sweet mogroside contains no calories at all and does not trigger hunger. Sugar, on the other hand, is one of the quickly digested carbohydrates that only keeps you full for a short time and continually increases hunger. In this way, the development of excess weight is promoted.

Luo Han Guo in the kitchen

As you already know, dried fruit and tea are intended for medicinal purposes, while Luo Han Guo powder and the like are ideal as a sugar substitute, for example for making cakes and pastries and sweetening drinks.

Luo Han Guo for diabetics

It may seem contradictory that a sweet fruit like Luo Han Guo can help treat diabetes, but research results prove it. A study in China shows how different the effects of Luo Han Guo fruit extract and sugar are on blood sugar levels.

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