Walnuts: 8 Reasons to Snack on Them More Often! Benefit For healthy!

Good as a delicious snack between meals or as a main dish at lunch and dinner. Walnuts not only give a special sensation to food, but are also beneficial for our body. Find out here what this little nut has in its health repertoire and how it can help us lose or maintain weight.

The ancient Romans valued walnuts as a miracle medicine and believed that they could cure diseases and improve brain performance. Now modern science has proven this to be true: research shows that walnuts have many health benefits. EAT SMARTER presents the most important facts about crunchy brain foods and explains why walnuts are so healthy.

1. Full of antioxidants

Antioxidants that ward off free radicals in our body (for example those caused by stress or cigarette smoke), are contained in walnuts in large quantities, thereby protecting us from various diseases. According to research, these protective substances come from vitamin E and melatonin (a hormone) from popular nuts. 

In addition, the anti-oxidation effect can be studied after consuming walnuts included in the diet. In addition, they protect the function of the cell layers on the inner surface of blood and lymph vessels.

Walnuts not only taste delicious, but also prevent diseases caused by excess free radicals. This shows that the canary is healthy.

2. Increased blood fat

Elevated LDL cholesterol is known to be unhealthy. Therefore, fat transporters should not be present in excess, as excess amounts will be deposited in the arteries and can therefore lead to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Therefore, LDL cholesterol levels should be kept as low as possible.

However, consuming walnuts can reduce these lipid levels. At least that's what researchers were able to find in a study. 60 men and 134 women aged 50 years and over followed a nut-free diet and a nut-rich diet (43 grams of walnuts per day) over a six-month period. The results were clear: LDL cholesterol had dropped significantly after the testing phase was completed.

This makes it very easy to influence your personal LDL cholesterol level through food. By adding walnuts to the diet or simply as a snack between meals, our health can be strengthened.

Whether while studying at school or university, during sports or during music lessons: regular consumption of magic beans can make a positive contribution to our brain function, which may help us in a tense situation or two.

3. Walnuts help us age healthily

Network utilization and mobility in independence play an important role, making a major contribution to the quality of life. Physical abilities such as unlimited mobility are very important here. Its preservation may be influenced by various factors. A healthy diet is definitely one of them.

Adding consumption of walnuts in particular has a positive effect on maintaining health. According to one study, a healthy and balanced diet reduces the risk of physical disorders in about 13 people. Walnuts (integrated into the diet) have made a significant contribution to this.

Why walnuts are healthy becomes clear here. Walnuts have a great impact in protecting our body functions and also in our aging process.

4. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

The well-known unsaturated fatty acids, which the body cannot synthesize on its own, must be obtained from food. It is not for nothing that these fatty acids have a good reputation: they help maintain blood sugar levels, blood flow properties and intact heart function.

Therefore, omega-3 fatty acids must be consumed regularly through food. Walnuts are perfect for this. The proportion of popular fatty acids is higher than other nuts derived from the tree. Therefore, small-strength fruits can make a significant contribution to the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition, most of the secondary plant substances in walnuts prevent the harmful effects of nucleic acids that occur in the cell nucleus.

5. The risk of cancer is reduced

For all their positive effects on health, walnuts also reduce the risk of certain cancers. Walnuts contain the most important form of so-called polyphenols, bioactive compounds that increase the body's regenerative abilities. Once the substance is absorbed, it is converted into ellagic acid, which has anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition, this compound plays an important role in preventing the emergence and development of certain cancers. Researchers can find out about this through research.

However, current data regarding cancer risk reduction through walnuts has not been studied enough and requires further scientific evaluation.

6. Control our weight more

Many people may be familiar with cravings for chocolate, chips and the like. Walnuts also have a solution for this: According to one study, test subjects' hunger was reduced after just five days of “walnut treatment” (almost 50 grams per day).

In addition, after five days there was increased activity in the area of ​​the brain responsible for resisting the temptation of delicious foods such as sweets.

This means that consuming walnuts also helps us control hunger and prevent food cravings.

7. Easy to integrate into your daily diet

Walnuts can now be found in almost every supermarket and are of course best picked straight from the tree. Small health boosters are also available at weekly markets and in specialty shops. Whether raw or baked, it is not only delicious on the tongue, but also good for our health.

Walnuts can also be easily integrated into everyday salads as an oil and provide something extra. High quality organic walnut oil is available online for 14 euros, for example. Depending on the manufacturer, the price varies greatly. 

There are many options for including walnuts in your daily diet. As a topping on salads or yoghurt, baked in bread or cakes, or as a crunchy addition to any vegetable dish: walnuts are a good substitute for both savory and sweet dishes. So there is no problem at all to enhance your daily diet with power nuts. Walnuts are also very healthy.

Try our delicious pasta with gorgonzola walnut sauce or, as a healthy snack, our carrot cake cake with walnuts!

The best way to shell walnuts is with a nutcracker. To make the process easier, nuts can be soaked in hot water for 24 hours. This softens the shell and makes it easier to crack.

Knowledge to take with you

Walnuts are truly a superfood and don't just add points for their taste. Power boosters have various positive effects on our bodies.

Apart from their high antioxidant content, which can reduce free radicals in the body, walnuts contain the highest omega-3 fatty acid content of all nuts. It must be consumed through food to maintain important functions in the body, including keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy and the brain active.

Cholesterol brakes: Regular chewing of walnuts reduces the increase in cholesterol levels. 50 grams a day is the ideal amount.

Beautifying: No chance of wrinkles: The abundance of vitamin E makes walnuts a perfect anti-aging treatment. Fiber also ensures healthy digestion.

Nerve balm: In stressful situations, walnuts are the perfect brain food and help you stay focused. 

Protein giants: An essential snack for vegetarians: With about 14 percent protein, walnuts compete fiercely with meat and the like as a protein supplier. 

That's not all: the super small fruit also helps us control our weight. All figure conscious people can rejoice! Hunger and cravings are reduced by regular consumption of walnuts.

Walnuts are a very versatile food that many people may take for granted. On salads or yoghurt - nuts taste great in both sweet and savory dishes.

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